MST: Mt Mitchell to Buck Creek Gap

MST Trailhead just off the Mt Mitchell Summit

This hike has been on my to-do list since I began day-hiking the MST and the 40 Hike Challenge a year ago. I have heard a lot about the Old Mitchell Trail that extends down 6 miles from Mt Mitchell to the Black Mountain Campground. My father and uncle have shared with me their summer camp stories near the South Toe River and and their hikes on the momentous trail to the summit of Mitchell. But today would mark a milestone for me as I officially complete Segment 3 of the MST.

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MST: Middle Prong Wilderness and Fork Ridge Meadows

View from Fork Ridge Meadows

Having the flexibility and willingness to take a small diversion can sometimes turn a good hike into a great hike. I was headed out to complete a small section of the Mountains to Sea Trail in Segment 2 but was fortunate to have the opportunity to explore Fork Ridge Meadows. My initial plan was to begin hiking westward at the MST trailhead off NC 215 and do an out and back to Buckeye Gap (near the Blue Ridge Parkway and Rough Butt Bald Overlook – MP 427).

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MST: Walker Knob Overlook to Mt Mitchell Summit

This was a hike I have been attempting to complete for some time now as I close in on finishing Segment 3 of the Mountains to Sea Trail. Weather and personal schedules have caused me to delay, but I was truly blessed today with clear skies and cool breezes as I climbed the 10 miles from Walker Knob Overlook to the summit of Mt Mitchell.

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2022 Gathering of Friends of the MST

This past weekend I had the pleasure to attend my first Gathering of Friends of the Mountains to Sea Trail. It was a whirlwind of activities and a chance to finally meet so many people that I had only known previously through social media.

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MST: Eno River State Park to Little Lick Creek Bridge (Segment 10)

Segment 10 of the Mountains to Sea Trail extends 79 miles from the Eno River State Park to the Falls Lake Dam. This section is currently one of only a handful of segments that is all footpath as it follows the Eno River and eventually to the perimeter fingers of Falls Lake. Even though it weaves through many urban areas, the trail quickly immerses the hiker into a diverse experience of woodlands, fields, bluffs and great opportunities to view wildlife. This was my first multi-day hike on the MST, even though I was still breaking this down into long day – hikes. My plan over the next 3 days was to see how far we could go each day while still taking the time to enjoy the journey.

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