40 Hike Challenge: #29 Jones Lake State Park

Distance: 3.1 miles out-and-back (see Trail Updates)

Degree of difficulty: Easy

Source: Great Day Hikes of North Carolina’s Mountains – to – Sea Trail

Hike 29 of the MST 40 Hike Challenge introduces the hiker to the interesting ecological phenomena of the Carolina bay. These elliptical depressions are typically water filled and provide a prime location for an abundance of flora and wildlife. The name “bay” is in recognition of the Red, Sweet and Loblolly bay trees that surround these bodies of water. The Jones Lake bay, located in Bladen County, encompasses over 224 acres.

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40 Hike Challenge: #27 & #28 Town of Roseboro + Old Cape Fear Countryside

The Coastal Region of the Mountains to Sea Trail extends through many small, rural towns as it meanders to the coast. One aspect of the trail that hikers learn to traverse are many of the backroads that lead to these towns. The 40 Hike Challenge includes a few hikes that allow the hiker to experience these towns and rural road walks. Hikes 27 & 28 through Roseboro, NC and White Oak, NC are short hikes in welcoming communities packed with history.

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