Distance: 2.3 miles one way
Degree of difficulty: Easy
Elevation Change: Gain, 82 feet; loss, 75 feet
Source: Great Day Hikes of North Carolina’s Mountains – to – Sea Trail
The Bentonville Historic Trail is #26 of the 40 Hike Challenge. You can read about the others here. Bentonville Battlefield located in segment 12 of the MST is the site of North Carolina’s largest battle in the Civil War. Confederates suffered approximately 2,600 casualties: 239 killed, 1,694 wounded and 673 missing. The Union army had 1,527 casualties: 194 killed, 1,112 wounded, and 221 missing. Occurring in the last days of the War, in March 1865, it was one of many tipping points which lead to the final resolution of this sad and bloody chapter in our nation’s history.
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